animation by animation factory
Broccoli & Grape
Angel Hair Pasta with Chicken
Caesar Salad Wraps
Asian Vermicelli with Pork
Cherry Jell-O
Chicken Chow Mein
Chocolate Zucchini Cake
Fruit Ambrosia
Creamy Frozen Fruit Cups
Hawaiian Macaroni
Honey Mustard chicken
Danish Apple Cake
Pineapple Delight
*Pasta & Bean Skillet
Fudge Krispies
Rice & Black Bean
*Provencal Pasta Shells
Texas Sheet Cake
All recipes below are from Betty Crockers "Easy Vegetarian" cookbook
Cooking Terms:
C = cup
T = tablespoon
tsp = teaspoon
oz = ounce
pkg = package
lbs = pounds
* = vegetarian dish
*I'm still workin' on these pages. I'll be adding more recipes, so check back frequently